Für das Wohlbefinden der Frau. Mit einer Reihe von Techniken und Therapiemethoden, helfe ich Frauen gesund zu bleiben, Stress abzubauen und sich von Verletzungen zu erholen.
ONLINE BOOKING: Zurich massage therapy, Zürich - Book your appointment online (agenda.ch)
- Therapeutische Massage gegen Muskel- und Haltungsprobleme.
- Schwangerschaftsmassage begleitet Sie in den Veränderungen dieser wunderschönen Lebensreise.
- Fussreflexzonenmassage hilft bei hormonellen Schwankungen, Verdauungsproblemen, Angstzuständen.
- Shiatsu für allgemeines Wohlbefinden, Beweglichkeit, Fruchtbarkeitsprobleme, Menopause.
- Lymphdrainage hilft bei Flüssigkeitszurückhaltung und Entgiftung.
- Hotstonesmassage gegen starke Schmerzen, zur Entspannung.
- Hatha Yoga für Beweglichkeit, Muskelkraft, Flexibilität, Mindfulnes.
- Pilates für Muskelrehabilitation, Haltungsverbesserung, Vor – und Nachschwangerschaft.
Zürich massage therapy is a women health clinic providing massage, rehab yoga and pilates private lessons.
I am passionate about women’s health and have over 15 years experience.
I help women staying healthy and recover from injury in every stage of life with the ever changing needs, from triathlons competition, to heavy work loads to pregnancy & menopause with an array of different techniques to assist your health goals.
- Reflexology is great for hormonal imbalance, digestive issues, anxiety.
- Shiatsu for general well-being, mobility, fertility issues and menopause.
- Lymphatic to help with fluid retention and help you to detoxify.
- Therapeutic massage for muscles aches and pains and postural issues.
- Hot stones for severe pain and relaxation.
- Hatha yoga for mobility, muscle strength, flexibility and mindfulness.
- Pilates for muscle rehab posture improvements pre and post pregnancy.
- Pregnancy massage to assist you through the changes and marvelous journey of life.
I have been involved in the health industry for many years since going through some orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation in my teens. I was misdiagnosed and was not operated on until 2 years later, by then I had to relearn how to walk as my brain associated pressure on my foot with pain, it was a long and interesting road that has thought me to listen to my body and to overcome obstacles.
My experience with surgery and rehab sparked an interest in helping women achieving better body balance and also recover from injury through an array of interdisciplinary tecniques to treat to each individual case. Massage therapy to rebalance your body, 1 on 1 yoga /pilates to streghten and actively look after your health.
My background allows the bigger picture to be seen.
Advanced diploma in shiatsu (Accademia shiatsu-do) 600 hours
Diploma in Reflexology ( Accademia italiana di agopuntura) 120 hours
Diploma in Remedial massage (AIAS) 800 hours
Diploma in Aromatherapy (AIAS) 200 hours
Cert 4 in Tuina (AIAS) 150 hours
Diploma in Pilates ( Queenland institute of pilates) 200 hours
Diploma in Hatha yoga ( My health yoga) 350 hours
Certificate of Yin Yoga (My vinyasa practice) 40 hours
Certificate of Restorative Yoga (My vinyasa practice) 40 hours
Advanced diploma in yoga therapy ( your yoga flow) 175 hours
Federal diploma in complementary medicine (Otra Tc) 600 hours