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Dr. med. (FR) Villeroy Reville, specialist in general internal medicine in Zürich
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Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville 

Specialist in general internal medicine


General internal medicine


Annual check up | preventive medical checkup
Family doctor emergency
Type 1 diabetes
Headache and migraine
Travel advice
Preoperative assessment
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Map and access information

SIHLMED Integrative Medizin Zürich

Badenerstrasse 333
8003 Zürich

Opening hours

08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00

Presentation of the healthcare professional

Dr. med. (F) Marine Villeroy Reville

Praktische Ärztin für Allgemeine Medizin

Studium der Humanmedizin an den Universitäten Paris VI und Nice - Sophia - Antipolis. Staatsexamen an der Universität Paris VI. Zusatzbildungen an der Universität Nice - Sophia- Antipolis in: Gynäkologie für Allgemeinmedizin, Sport-Traumatologie, Migräne-Kopfschmerzen und Ernährung. Erfahrungen in: Onkologie, Magen-Darmkrankheiten, Innere Medizin, Geriatrie, Gynäkologie, Kindermedizin und Hausarzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Kindermedizin in Frankreich.

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Spoken languages

German, French, English and Spanish



What is the address of Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville?

Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville receives patients at Badenerstrasse 333, 8003 Zürich .

What languages does Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville speak?

The languages spoken by Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville are: German, French, English and Spanish.

What are Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville's consulting hours?

Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville consults:

  • SIHLMED Integrative Medizin Zürich

    : Badenerstrasse 333, 8003 Zürich
    08:00 - 18:00
    08:00 - 18:00
    08:00 - 18:00
    08:00 - 18:00
    08:00 - 18:00

What is Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville's website?

The website of Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville is  .

What is Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville's phone number?

The phone number of Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville is 043 321 11 11.

Does Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville accept new patients?

Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville accepts new patients.

What are Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville's specialties?

Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville performs general internal medicine in Zürich.

What are Dr. med. (FR) Marine Villeroy Reville's expertises?

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