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Dr. med. (DE) Olewczynska, specialist in general internal medicine in Thun
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Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska 

Specialist in general internal medicine


General internal medicine


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Annual check up | preventive medical checkup
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Map and access information

Hausarztpraxis Thun

Bernstrasse 1A
3600 Thun

Opening hours

07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00

Presentation of the healthcare professional

Bisherige Tätigkeit und Weiterbildung

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Spoken languages

German, English, Polish, Spanish and French


Ärztenetzwerk IGOMED Thun



What is the address of Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska?

Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska receives patients at Bernstrasse 1A, 3600 Thun .

What languages does Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska speak?

The languages spoken by Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska are: German, English, Polish, Spanish and French.

What are Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska's consulting hours?

Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska consults:

  • Hausarztpraxis Thun

    : Bernstrasse 1A, 3600 Thun
    07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
    07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
    07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
    07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00
    07:45 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00

What is Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska's website?

The website of Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska is  .

What is Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska's phone number?

The phone number of Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska is 033 244 11 44.

Does Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska accept new patients?

Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska accepts new patients.

What are Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska's specialties?

Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska performs general internal medicine in Thun.

What are Dr. med. (DE) Nicole Olivia Olewczynska's expertises?

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