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Mr Duarte, classic massage therapist in Lausanne
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Mr Hugo Duarte 

Classic massage therapist


Classic massage


Espace Marterey in Lausanne
À domicile in Lausanne

Map and access information

Espace Marterey

Rue Marterey 5
1005 Lausanne

Presentation of the healthcare professional

[English below]

Passionné par les thérapies du bien-être depuis plusieurs années, je témoigne leur efficacité.

En formation continue, je suis déterminé à vous procurer un service de qualité.

Uniquement sur rendez-vous.

Séances au cabinet et à domicile (jusqu'à 50 km).

Conditions et tarifs à consulter en ligne.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute question.

Au plaisir de vous voir prochainement.

Reconnaissances :

ASCA [pour toutes les spécialités]

RME [pour toutes les spécialités sauf : Réflexologie (en cours)]

Renseignez-vous préalablement auprès de votre assurance complémentaire si mes services sont remboursables.

Plus d’information :


Passionate about wellness therapies for several years, I can attest to their effectiveness.

In continuous training, I am committed to providing you with a quality service.

By appointment only.

Sessions in the office and at home (up to 50 km).

Conditions and rates are available online.

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Recognition :

ASCA [for all specialties]

RME [for all specialties except: Reflexology (pending)]

Please inquire with your complementary insurance beforehand to find out if my services can be paid back.

For more information :

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Spoken languages

French, English and Portuguese





What are the addresses of Mr Hugo Duarte?

Mr Hugo Duarte receives patients at the following addresses:

  • Espace Marterey

    Rue Marterey 5
    1005 Lausanne

  • À domicile

    Rue Marterey 5
    1005 Lausanne

What languages does Mr Hugo Duarte speak?

The languages spoken by Mr Hugo Duarte are: French, English and Portuguese.

What are Mr Hugo Duarte's phone numbers?

The phone numbers of Mr Hugo Duarte are:

Does Mr Hugo Duarte accept new patients?

Mr Hugo Duarte accepts new patients.

Does Mr Hugo Duarte offer video consultations?

Mr Hugo Duarte does not offer video consultations.

What are Mr Hugo Duarte's specialties?

Mr Hugo Duarte performs classic massage and reflexology in Lausanne.

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